“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”
“We will now share our life as one. Together, I know we can accomplish the life we both dreamed of.”
Once, I remember seeing a movie with a discussion about “forever”. The discussion goes like: Forever will always be for the brave – for you have to fight everyday for your forever. It’s no different with living the life you have dreamed of – it’s an everyday battle you have to face, and it becomes totally easier when you have someone on your side with the same goal.
This is Mark and Kate’s promise – to go on their biggest adventure, living the life of their dreams, as one. It’s not easy planning a wedding, and with the pandemic, it did not become easier. Mark and Kate, possibly one of our bravest RWP couples (mainly because they are both frontliners), with their wedding story is an inspiration, to every soon-to-wed, amidst the pandemic. Proof that #LoveIsImmune, and that Love is much more greater than any form of pandemic.
Distinct. Stark. Enduring. Because Your Wedding Story is On Us!
#RainwalkerPhotography #KATEgotMARKed

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