Good things come to those who wait.
Erron and Ailyn started dating way back 2017. Out of spontaneity, Erron asked Ailyn out for a friendly “merienda” – nothing too formal. They were co-workers back then in an engineering firm, being both electrical engineers. After their friendly merienda, Erron asked Ailyn out again for a more formal date. What Ailyn loved about Erron was that he asked if they could share a prayer before their meal – what Ailyn refers to as “Pogi Points”.
Erron’s wait came when Ailyn went to a two-year community service for their church, and when he went on to propose to Ailyn – which was done during a friend’s wedding. Erron held on to two things, in these situations: one, his love for Ailyn, and two, the engagement ring inside his sock, ready to be pulled out for the proposal.
Erron and Ailyn’s Fun and Playful Engagement Session with their furbaby, Luffy, is here at Rainwalker Photography. Now, more than ever, they can tell the entire world: #WeFinAILYNmadeItERRON

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